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Version: 5.1

Functionality Overview

When users move through many cases to perform tasks and these cases are not closed before moving to the following case, often the Open Cases section in Case Manager gets cluttered with many irrelevant cases. The Auto-Close Cases Extension (or, alternatively, the Close Cases at Login Extension) can help to address this problem. The Auto-Close Cases extension automatically closes a case when focus is moved to a different case if there are no open activities on the case. Two toolbar buttons are also added by this extension:

  • A Pin toggle button allows the user to indicate that the current case should not be closed when moving to a different case
  • A Recently Closed Cases button shows a list of recently closed cases from where you may re-open a case.

Auto-Close process

When a case is opened in Case Manager, it is listed in the Open Cases section in the navigation pane on the left, with the case currently viewed shown in green. Focus can be moved to a different case either by clicking on another (already opened) case in the Open Cases section, or by opening a new case from the diary or the search.

Open Cases Section

At the time of changing focus to the antoher case the Auto-Close Cases extension kicks in: if the current case has no open activities and is not pinned, it will be closed. Note that this only applies to open activities (indicated by a yellow bar at the top) and not due instructions (the red bar at the top). If a case was unintentionally closed, it can be reopened making use of the Recently Closed Cases toolbar button.

Toolbar buttons

Pin Button

The extension adds a pin toolbar button with two states:

  • A blue pin indicates that the case is not pinned, and will be closed when it loses focus.
  • A red pin indicates that the fase is pinned, and will remain open even when losing focus. Click the button to toggle between the two states for the current case.

Pin Button Unpin Button

Recently Closed Cases

Recently Closed Cases Button

The Auto-Close Cases extensions also adds the ability to see the cases most recently closed during the current session. Since cases are automatically closed, it is possible that a user may want to go back to a case unintentionally closed. The Recently Closed Cases shows a list of the closed cases, from where the user may reopen the desired case by clicking on the listed reference.

Recent Closed Cases Form