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Revolutionizing Support: Unveiling WhatsApp as Your Ultimate Case Manager Support Connection

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

We are thrilled to announce an exciting enhancement to our customer support services – WhatsApp is now our primary channel for Case Manager support! We understand the importance of providing convenient and efficient assistance to our valued customers, and integrating WhatsApp into our support system is a significant step towards achieving this goal.

How to Communicate Effectively in Short Messaging

· 6 min read
Tredoux Badenhorst
Managing Director of DiensTek (PTY) Ltd.

We have seen that most people prefer messaging as base communication with corporate entities and of course also in a personal capacity. But how can we assure clear and effective communication given the short nature of such interaction? One of the fears is that we will be misunderstood or that the core of our intention will not be transferred to the other party and we will not get the response we seek.

Extension: Case Allocations Overview

· 2 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

Case Manager’s ability to drive work and automated processes on large amounts of individual cases makes the system a good fit for debt-collection environments. The financial functionality in the system is geared towards managing complicated payment splitting and pay-over management by means of transaction allocations. Each of the transactions keeps record of its effect on other transactions to track sub-balances on the case. From a user’s perspective it may be difficult to get a full grasp of all the allocations on a case and the calculation of these balances. For this reason we introduce the “Case Allocation Overview” extension for Case Manager 5.2, adding to Case Manager an intuitive drill-down view of the allocations on a case.

Virtual desktop performance issues

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

When running Azure Virtual Desktop (or any other virtual desktop solution for that matter) you are essentially running many users on a single machine. This is great from a resource usage and cost saving point of view ,however, you will most likely run into performance management challenges from time to time. I would like to share a few ideas on how to troubleshoot performance issues.

Case Manager 5.2 - Web-Call Actions

· 5 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

Case Manager addresses broad business needs; with almost every deployment a unique set of actions is performed by users ranging from data access of external systems, service requests and actions, or even custom applications. One approach to solving this problem is tight integration with the third-party applications and services, adding to the complexity of a system: additional maintenance is required with an upgrade of any part of the ecosystem. Due to this, the tight-integration approach tends to be very expensive.

From version 5.2.2 of Case Manager a new approach is introduced leveraging web technologies to simplify these actions. From the Case Manager application custom action buttons can be added to the toolbar which will call a URL with parameters based on the current case.

Happy Spring Day!

· 4 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

To all of those in the southern hemisphere - enjoy spring! In Chicagoland we are heading into fall and then winter is coming. I logged into Case Manager today and was greeted by this beautiful custom Spring theme which made me decide to write a short blog about form customizations. One of Case Manager's core strengths is it's incredible flexibility. On the accompanying image you can see a beautiful spring theme but more importantly if you look carefully you will see an extremely customized Case form. I will quickly touch on the following aspects related to Case Manager data customizability. This article is structured with a focus on the following aspects of Case Manager.

Case Manager Startup Program

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

The recently announced Case Manager Community Edition is great for small contact center projects but limited to three users in total. We often come across Startups that are a bit larger but still in the very early stages of operation and while designing the Community Edition the question came up on how we can help these Startups. Anybody who know me will know that have entrepreneurship and Startup in my blood - I've been involved in many startups over the years and amazingly some of my most successful customers were once Startups I encouraged and advised - as the saying goes 'A rising tide raises all ships.' and another one I really love is 'It's more blessed to give than to receive.'. With all of this in mind we envisioned the Case Manager Startup Program which intends to help and boost new Contact Centers.

Case Manager Community Edition

· 4 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

Welcome to the community!

Over the past twenty seven years we forged Case Manager into the amazing tool it is today and we would love as many companies as possible to be able to get their hands on this amazing product. I know how important great software can be in building up your small business and I also know that exactly at that critical time you often cannot afford the tools you need. Well - in our little way we would like to help by making a version of Case Manager completely free for up to three users.