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5 posts tagged with "Extensions"

Case Manager Extensions

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Extension: Case Allocations Overview

· 2 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

Case Manager’s ability to drive work and automated processes on large amounts of individual cases makes the system a good fit for debt-collection environments. The financial functionality in the system is geared towards managing complicated payment splitting and pay-over management by means of transaction allocations. Each of the transactions keeps record of its effect on other transactions to track sub-balances on the case. From a user’s perspective it may be difficult to get a full grasp of all the allocations on a case and the calculation of these balances. For this reason we introduce the “Case Allocation Overview” extension for Case Manager 5.2, adding to Case Manager an intuitive drill-down view of the allocations on a case.

Case Manager 5.2 - Web-Call Actions

· 5 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

Case Manager addresses broad business needs; with almost every deployment a unique set of actions is performed by users ranging from data access of external systems, service requests and actions, or even custom applications. One approach to solving this problem is tight integration with the third-party applications and services, adding to the complexity of a system: additional maintenance is required with an upgrade of any part of the ecosystem. Due to this, the tight-integration approach tends to be very expensive.

From version 5.2.2 of Case Manager a new approach is introduced leveraging web technologies to simplify these actions. From the Case Manager application custom action buttons can be added to the toolbar which will call a URL with parameters based on the current case.

Attachment FTP Extension for Case Manager 5.2

· 5 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

With the early release of Case Manager 5.2 we’ve focussed on making our application stack available in the cloud to organizations that do not wish to host the application on a local network. A client-server infrastructure is still maintained in the environment, predominantly based on database interaction. There were however a couple of features that required file access to the server. As the application is built for a Microsoft Windows environment, this had an impact on licensing for the use of the operating system. We’re proud to announce the release of a Case Manager extension that allows FTP access to the case attachments. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard protocol to transfer files over TCP/IP, a common communication protocol of local networks and the Internet. In older versions of the Case Manager application files attached to a case were accessed by an agent by means of a shared windows file location. This functionality was moved to a separate extension, “Attachment File Share”, in version 5.2.1 which can now be replaced by the new “Attachment FTP” extension to access the attached files via the FTP protocol. Since a client-access license is not required for FTP access to the server, it can save Case Manager clients costs on operating system licensing.

Setting up IIS for Case Manager Attachment via FTP

· 3 min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

From Case Manager version 5.2.1 a new extension is available to access case attachments via FTP. The extension can interact with any FTP server. However, in the first version of the extension, 2.0.0, only Basic Authentication and unencrypted connections are supported. This guide will help you set up Microsoft Internet information Services (IIS) for the Attachment FTP Extension.