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Case Manager Community Edition

· 4 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

Welcome to the community!

Over the past twenty seven years we forged Case Manager into the amazing tool it is today and we would love as many companies as possible to be able to get their hands on this amazing product. I know how important great software can be in building up your small business and I also know that exactly at that critical time you often cannot afford the tools you need. Well - in our little way we would like to help by making a version of Case Manager completely free for up to three users.

Case Manager Community Edition

Case Manager Community edition is an edition of our product which we make available to the community to test and also to small businesses to use for up to three users. You get an entire bundle of software included at no cost to you PLUS you get access to our network of support partnerships who are able to help you if you get stuck or urgently need support. Learn more about how technical support and services work in the section by that title below.

Three for Free!

I have always loved the fact that there are so many software solutions available to small businesses to help them save money and be more productive. Our community edition includes up to three free user licenses and is meant for companies who wish to test Case Manager, run a trial project or for businesses with three or less users. If you outgrow the community edition there is a seamless migration path to any of the commercial editions of Case Manager. So if you are looking for free contact centre software then you're at the right place.

Technical Support and Services

Case Manager is a complex product and you will most likely benefit greatly from buying ten to twenty hours of technical support during the first month or two of your Case Manager journey. Buying support is not mandatory but I suggest that you invest in a little support to help you get the system up and running and operational - it will be money well spent. We plan to release an abundance of self-help material in both PDF and Video format to help you get started. Check out our blog at or follow us on social media to stay up to date on these releases.

Upgrading from Community Edition

You can at any point opt to upgrade from community edition to any of our paid for editions - just let us know and we'll help you pick the best option for your needs.

Community Edition Terms

There are some important terms associated with Case Manager community edition:

  • We will make beta releases of Case Manager available to the community. If you are an innovator and early adopter we encourage you to test these Beta editions and to give us some feedback ,however, if you just want to run your business then make sure to only install the stable editions.
  • Case Manager Community Edition does not come with any support included ,however, you will have access to our amazing support teams on a time and material basis. This is especially helpful in the beginning of your Case Manager journey and I encourage you to make use of this option to get started and to avoid frustration.
  • You cannot transfer your free Case Manager Community Edition licenses to any paid for edition. This goes without saying but we're just saying it to be clear.
  • Paid for electronic services like SMS / Texting Messaging, Payment Services, Tracing services and anything else which is normally charged for outside of the Case Manager software licenses are not included for free.
  • You will still be have to agree to the Case Manager license and service terms.

Getting Started

The first step to get started is to register at . You can download Case Manager on that same page. Our team will reach out to you to e-sign the Case Manager Community edition terms. Finally - you will most likely need to get a few technical support hours to get you up to speed. Technical support is not mandatory but it might leave you very frustrated if you do not make use of this option. Click here to get started today!