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2 posts tagged with "support"

Case Manager help and support

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Revolutionizing Support: Unveiling WhatsApp as Your Ultimate Case Manager Support Connection

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

We are thrilled to announce an exciting enhancement to our customer support services – WhatsApp is now our primary channel for Case Manager support! We understand the importance of providing convenient and efficient assistance to our valued customers, and integrating WhatsApp into our support system is a significant step towards achieving this goal.

Case Manager 5.2 Upgrade Guide

· One min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

The new Case Manager 5.2 Upgrade Guide describes technical details of upgrading to version 5.2. Coming from version 5.1 there are a number of fundamental changes that require understanding from the supporting ships, and additional processes to take into account that cannot be performed by the automatic upgrade process.