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6 posts tagged with "technical"

Techical aspects of running and maintaining Case Manager

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Virtual desktop performance issues

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

When running Azure Virtual Desktop (or any other virtual desktop solution for that matter) you are essentially running many users on a single machine. This is great from a resource usage and cost saving point of view ,however, you will most likely run into performance management challenges from time to time. I would like to share a few ideas on how to troubleshoot performance issues.

Firebird and Temp files

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

I recently upgraded a medium size database (40 Gigabytes) and during the upgrade the system experienced instability which at first I could not understand - after troubleshooting it I came to a better understanding of Temporary Files and how it can cause disk space issues which could result in system instability.

Case Manager 5.2 Upgrade Guide

· One min read
Hugo Breedt
Product Development Lead at Microworks Enterprise

The new Case Manager 5.2 Upgrade Guide describes technical details of upgrading to version 5.2. Coming from version 5.1 there are a number of fundamental changes that require understanding from the supporting ships, and additional processes to take into account that cannot be performed by the automatic upgrade process.

Case Manager in the Cloud on Azure Virtual Desktop

· 3 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

Running an agent's desktop in the cloud is now not only possible but also easy and affordable - this blog will take you through the "Why" of using Azure Virtual Desktop as a full-blown cloud solution and then also give you step-by-step instructions on how to run Case Manager in the cloud.

Troubleshooting Firebird Performance issues

· 4 min read
Hanz van Aardt
CEO of Microworks Enterprise, CEO of VoyagerNetz

At the heart of Case Manager's performance lies the amazing Firebird Database system. This blog will help you understand what you could do to measure and troubleshoot the performance of your firebird database. Small environments with dozens of users and thousands or even tens of thousands of cases might never encounter major performance issues ,however, if you are running hundreds or thousands of users and hundreds of thousands of cases then you definitely need to keep a close and constant eye on Firebird Database performance. Even if you are not running high data volumes it is always a good idea to optimize your Firebird Database for the simple reason that with an optimized database everything will be faster and a faster system will provide a better experience to your users and customers. Reach out to your Case Manager dealership if you need assistance!