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Version: 6.0

Managing Content Templates

Report Templates

From the Configuration Tool, a new view of the Report Template is accessible, showing the available templates as well as an indication of the template’s visibility in Case Manager. A warning icon is shown on templates in the legacy format. A number of actions are now available for report templates. Most of these actions can be executed on multiple templates at a time. To select multiple templates, hold down the Control key (CTRL) on the keyboard and select the templates, before invoking an action.

Configuration Tools - Report Template


Add template
The add template action allows you to add a new template by specifying the details of the template, and upload the relevant Crystal Reports file. You will be required to upload a Crystal Reports file; the legacy format is not supported for new templates. The external reference is used to identify report templates for Template portability.
Edit template
Only one template may be selected for editing at a time. The edit window will show the template details, such as Name, Description, Group, IsVisible. By clicking on the ellipse on the Group field, you will have the option to change the Report Group or to create, edit, or delete Report Groups. The Group is only used when displaying lists of Report Templates. When the template is in a legacy format, the Legacy Template section will be visible. Once migrated (either by uploading a Crystal Reports file, or by running the migrate action on the form) this section will not be shown anymore. There are three buttons on the Template control: Clear (removes the stored Crystal Reports file), Download (saves the stored Crystal Reports file as file), and Add (sets the Crystal Reports file for this template entry). The external reference is an identifier used by the Template portability functionality.

Edit Report Template

Delete template
Deletes the selected templates from the database. These documents will no longer be accessible. This action will only be allowed on templates not used in the system.
Set Visibility
This action sets the visibility of the template in Case Manager on all the selected templates. After selecting the applicable templates, this action is invoked by choosing from its submenu to either set as visible or as invisible.
Templates can be imported from file, Case Manager Template (.cmt) files. More detail in Template portability.
Export the selected templates to Case Manager Template (.cmt) file. More detail in Template portability
Migrate template
Migrate the selected templates in legacy format (that is, Crystal Reports file stored in shared reports folder) to the new in-database format.

Document Templates

From the Configuration Tool, a new view of the Document Template is accessible, showing the available templates as well as an indication of the template’s visibility in Case Manager. The Document Templates shows three tabs:

  • Crystal Report Templates: the most-used document templates based on Crystal Reports files.
  • Content Manager (VDT): document templates created in the Content Manager.
  • Special: document template with a specific function in Case Manager. A warning icon is shown on templates in the legacy format. A number of actions are now available for document templates. Most of these actions can be executed on multiple templates at a time. To select multiple templates, hold down the Control key (CTRL) on the keyboard and select the templates, before invoking an action.

Configuration Tools - Document Templates


Add template
The add template action allows you to add a new template by specifying the details of the template, and upload the relevant Crystal Reports files. You will be required to upload a Crystal Reports file for printing documents in English. An optional alternative language template is also supported to print documents in the alternative language based on the debtor’s language setting. The legacy format is not supported for new templates. The external reference is used to identify report templates for Template portability.
Edit template
Only one template may be selected for editing at a time. The edit window will show the template details, such as Name, Description, Group, IsVisible. By clicking on the ellipse on the Group field, you will have the option to change the Document Group or to create, edit, or delete Document Groups. The Group is only used when displaying lists of Document Templates. When the template is in a legacy format, the Legacy Template section will be visible. Once migrated (either by uploading a Crystal Reports file, or by running the migrate action on the form) this section will not be shown anymore. There are three buttons on the Template control:
  • Clear removes the stored Crystal Reports file
  • Download saves the stored Crystal Reports file as file
  • Add sets the Crystal Reports file for this template entry The English template is mandatory on each template entry. The Alternative template is optional: when this is not set printing will default to the English template.
  • Edit Document Template

    Delete template
    Deletes the selected templates from the database. These documents will no longer be accessible. This action will only be allowed on templates not used in the system.
    Set Visibility
    This action sets the visibility of the template in Case Manager on all the selected templates. After selecting the applicable templates, this action is invoked by choosing from its submenu to either set as visible or as invisible.
    Templates can be imported from file, Case Manager Template (.cmt) files. More detail in Template portability.
    Export the selected templates to Case Manager Template (.cmt) file. More detail in Template portability.

    Migrate template Migrate the selected templates in legacy format (that is, Crystal Reports file stored in shared reports folder) to the new in-database format.

    Content Manager (VDT) Templates

    Content Manager (VDT) templates are basic document templates that can be created and maintained by a user of the system without Crystal Reports. Many references to these templates will be visible after the upgrade; it is recommended to remove the unused templates. The Content Manager application will allow you to create new templates should you require it.

    Special Templates

    In addition to the Crystal Reports document templates, and the Content Manager (VDT) document templates, you will also find a Special Document Templates section. These templates serve a specific purpose in the system. You will not be allowed to delete these templates, but will be able to update them with an import of the appropriate Case Manager Template (.cmt) file. Special templates include the Payment Receipt that can be printed upon receiving a payment, and the VDT base templates used by the Content Manager (VDT) templates.

    Template Migration

    In previous versions of Case Manager document and report templates were stored as Crystal Reports files accessed via a shared folder on the server. To remove the dependency of client workstations requiring a Client Access Licence to access these templates, templates are now stored within the database. Now, when a report or document template is required it is written out locally to a temporary file before commencing the print process. Legacy templates refer to the template references where the actual Crystal Reports file is not stored in the database yet. The process of loading the existing file (in the reports folder from previous versions) into the database, is called template migration. This can be done from the Configuration Tool in the Document Templates and Report Templates sections, by selecting the templates to migrate and invoking the Migrate action. Legacy templates are indicated by a warning icon on the template entry. The appropriate Crystal Reports file may also be loaded manually onto template by editing the template, and uploading the file. When printing a report or a document from Case Manager, the system will first verify that the template is migrated. If not, it would first attempt migrating the template before printing.

    Template Deletion

    Since all the template information is now stored in the database, the system will allow a privileged user to delete unused templates. This will allow you to keep the database clean with only the applicable content templates. Template packages however should be maintained by the Case Manager Support Ships. With Document templates, for which references are kept in case history (as Print Document Activities), you will only be allowed to delete templates not used in the system. Should you no longer wish to see these templates as options when printing, you can make use of the visibility setting on a template.

    Template portability

    To simplify transferring templates between Case Manager systems, you are now able to save templates in Case Manager Template (.cmt) files. These files can contain many templates (either, Document Templates, Report Templates, or a combination of the two). In the Configuration Tool in the Document Template or Report Template sections select the templates to export. You will be prompted to select an export file name. If an existing Case Manager Template file is selected you will be given the option to merge the templates to be exported with the current contents of the file. The export contains the name, description, external reference, group, and actual template. When selecting a Case Manager Template (.cmt) file for import, all the templates in the file will be imported irrespective of the current section from where the import is invoked. Based on the external reference, existing templates may be updated with the new template and information. The template group and visibility will not be updated during an import.