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Version: 6.0

User Management: Login Options

Windows Applications

You have two options on the login form for Windows applications: either a list of users are shown from where the appropriate may be selected, or you may make use of the username to log in. You may switch between these two modes by making use of the settings icon on the login form. The Case Manager Settings (in the Configuration Tools) also features a login mode preference setting where you may set the default mode to be used.

Login: User List Login: Username

System (including support) users will never be shown in the User list. For these users, you should always make use of the username-based login. Only active users will be allowed to log into one of the Case Manager applications. Depending on the application, there may be additional rights required to log in. Also note that the settings on the login form also now features a “Safe mode” login which will not load any of the extensions. Safe Mode is off by default, and should be explicitly selected on the login form to enable.

Console Applications

From Case Manager 6, we now also support specifying login information as command-line arguments. This is true for most applications, but is mostly used for the Console applications. Our Instance Directory guide covers the topic of command-line arguments in more depth, but important for this document, the following arguments - specifically related to specifying user details - are covered.

  • -help shows a list of all the available command-line options for the current application
  • -username is used to specify the user to log in making use of the username
  • -password is used to specify the password of the specified user. When a user is specified, but the password is omitted the normal log-in process will be followed with the specified user already entered in the form, prompting for the password.
  • -safemode allows you to enable a Safe Mode login. That is, to not load the Case Manager extensions.

An example of running the Daily Maintenance process via the command-line:

CaseManagerDailyMaintenance.exe -username=.casemanager.dailymaintenance -password=DMPa$$w0rd - Instance=CMCollections