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Version: 5.1

User Managemenr: User Security


We will discuss two main aspects of User Security: User authentication - password-based access to Case Manager - and User authorization - security rights-based access to features and tasks in Case Manager. Both these functions are accessible from the user form when editing a user in the Team Admin Tool.

  • The “Reset password” button on the user form allows an administrative user to set or reset the password for the relevant user (discussed in the Password Management section of this document).
  • The “Security” button on the user form allows an administrative user to set the security rights for the relevant user (discussed in the Security Rights section of this document). A security template can be used to allow a predefined set of security rights (see Applying Templates for more on this feature).

Accessing the user security and password settings on a user

Password Management

When creating a new user or when the “Reset Password” is selected on the user form, you will be presented with the Change Password form to set the password for the relevant user.

Setting or resetting a user’s password

For additional security purposes, the current (administrative) user will be required to reenter his password when changing the password of another user. To confirm correctness, you are required to enter the new password twice. The “Should change password on next login” option can be checked if you wish the user to select a new password on the first successful login.

Security Rights

A Security Right grants access to a specific feature or task in Case Manager. When clicking the “Security” button on a user form, you will be presented with all the available rights. For the relevant user, select the rights you wish to grant. When hovering the mouse pointer over a security right a description of the right will be displayed.

Specifying a user’s security rights

You may also at this point choose to copy the rights to assign to this user from a previously set-up Security Template. See Applying Templates.

Security Templates

A Security Templates allows you to define a set of security rights that can be applied to a user’s security profile. The Security Template Manager can be accessed from the Tools menu in Case Manager, allowing you to create or edit security templates.

Accessing the Security Template Manager

Creating/Editing Templates

Editing (or creating) a template is very similar to setting the security rights for a user. All the security rights in Case Manager are shown, along with a name and description for the security template. When a right is checked on a security template, the right will be assigned to the user when the template is applied. When the right is not selected, the right will be revoked from a user when the template is applied.

Creating or editing a security template

Applying Templates

A Security Template can be applied to users, granting the security rights checked on the template and revoking the unchecked rights. A template can be applied to users from two areas in Case Manager:

  • In the Security Template Manager, you may select the security template and click the “Apply to users” button. This option will allow you to choose the users to apply the security template to. When applying a template to multiple users, this is the best option. .

    Applying a security template to multiple users

  • When opening the Security settings on a user (that is, the user form opened from the Team Admin Tool), you may apply a template by clicking the “Apply Security Template” button. This option will present you with a choice of the available security templates which may be applied to the relevant user.

    Applying a security template to a selected user

Team Administration

In the Team Admin Tool you have the option to assign administrative privileges to a selected user over a specific branch of the hierarchy. This allows a user to act as a team leader on selected tasks in Case Manager without requiring a security right that grants access over all users. If a user, say Alice, is assigned administrative privileges over Team B, she would be able to view the diaries for all the users in Team B, publish queues for the users of Team B (given she has the necessary right to publish queues), and view the dashboard data for Team B and all its users. These actions, however, will be limited to the users of Team B. Team Administrative Privileges can be assigned to a user in the Team Admin Tool by selecting the user, and clicking the “Assign Administrative Privileges” action on the toolbar. This will present you with an option the level in the hierarchy to assign these privileges to. When assigned, the level in the hierarchy administered can be viewed in the Team Admin Tool in the “Administrator Of” column.