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Version: 5.2

User Management: Introduction

This User Manual provides an overview of User Management in the Case Manager 5 Solution. Basic tasks such as creating users and teams, and defining your organisational structure, is covered as well as user security and a basic understanding of managing the work performed by users. This user manual is broken down into the following sub documents:


In this guide we make use of the following terminology:

A user in Case Manager can log into the system, and perform tasks. The user profile specifies the name and basic contact information which can be used in communication templates such as generated letters. A security profile is also associated with the user defining the allowed tasks that can be performed, as well as a password to control access to Case Manager.
Users can be grouped into teams to help structure and manage users and work. A team can consist of a group of teams as well.
Case Manager refers to workgroups as the collective term for users and teams. Where a workgroup is required, for example the workgroup assigned to a case, either a user or a team can be specified.
Default Workgroup
The default workgroup is the top level in the hierarchy of workgroups representing the entire organisation.
Security Right
A security right guards a defined task in the system. A right can be assigned to a user allowing him/her to perform the task specified by the right. There are numerous rights that can be assigned to users.
Security Template
A template of security rights can be set up to simplify assigning rights to users. When a security right is applied to a user, the assigned rights of the user will be as specified on the template.
Team Administrator
A user can be assigned as a team administrator allowing him/her access to specific tasks related to only the users in that team. This includes managing queues (if the necessary right is assigned), and viewing the diaries of the users in the administered teams.
Electronic Diary
The Electronic Diary shows a user the tasks to be performed. Instructions on cases with assigned workgroup that of the user, will be listed in the diary. The diary is located in the main view of Case Manager at the top of the navigation pane on the left.
Case Manager can report on user activities in real-time charts in the dashboard section. An administrative user can view statistics on team performance to help manage work done by the team.