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Version: 5.2

User Management: Team Admin Tool

User administration is done by making use of the Team Admin Tool, accessed in Case Manager from the Tools menu. From this tool a privileged user will be able to create users, structure them into teams, and manage the access and security of these users.

Menu - Team Admin Tool


The Team Admin Tool shows the hierarchy of users and teams, along with administrative actions that can be performed.

Team Admin Tool

The following actions are available on the toolbar:

  • Refresh reloads the user hierarchy from the database.
  • Create a New User allows you to create a new user profile
  • Create a New Team allows you to create a new team
  • Edit can be used to edit the selected user/team, and to make changes to the security and access options on a user.
  • Change Parent is used to move a selected user or team to a different location in the hierarchy.
  • Assign Administrative Privileges allows the selected user to administer a specific team. More on this in the Team Administration section.

User profiles previously disabled can be viewed by checking the “Show Inactive Teams and Users” option at the bottom of the Team Admin Tool. The Default Workgroup represents the entire organisation - all users and teams. You may not edit or deactivate this workgroup.

Creating and Editing Users

In the Team Admin Tool, when clicking on the Create a New User action on the toolbar, or the Edit action when a user is selected, you will be presented with a form to specify the details of the new or selected user.

Create a new user

The user’s title and name can be specified, as well as the format to use as display name in Case Manager. The default is “Full Name” which will display the first name and last name of the user. Additional sections of information are available at the bottom of the form to specify the contact details (phone numbers and email address), a signature image that can be used on documents, and telephony information (in the case where telephony integration is used). The “Is Active” check box can be used to deactivate (or reactivate) a user. There are two buttons on the user form, “Security” and “Reset Password”, which we will cover in the User Security section of this document.

Creating and Editing Teams

Clicking the Create a New Team action on the toolbar of the Team Admin Tool, or clicking the Edit action when a team is selected, will open a form to enter the new or selected team’s details .

Creating a new team

You are required to specify the Team Name. Optionally, you may also specify contact details and a signature of the contact person for the team. This information can be used in communication templates (such as generated letters and SMS messages). The “Is Active” check box at the bottom of the form can be used to deactivate (or reactivate) a team.

Move Users & Team (Change Parent)

Users and teams are structured in a hierarchy to simplify management of your workforce and workload. When selecting a user or a team you can change where in the hierarchy it resides by selecting the Change Parent action from the toolbar. You will be presented with an option of all the teams where you may select the desired team (parent) for the selected user/team.

Moving a user/team in the hierarchy (Change Parent)

Disabling Workgroups

A user or team may be deactivated, which will exclude them from all lists shown in Case Manager. In the Team Admin Tool the inactive workgroups will also not be shown by default. You may choose to view the deactivated users and teams by choosing the “Show Inactive Teams and Users” option at the bottom of the form. Note that an inactive user will also not be allowed to log in. To deactivate a user or a team (or to reactivate a deactivated user or team), choose the relevant workgroup and click the Edit action from the toolbar. At the bottom of the presented forms (as shown in the Creating and Editing Users and Creating andd Editing Teams sections) a check box “Is Active” option can be toggled to set the desired state.