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Version: 6.0

Configuring Web-Call Actions

Custom web-based action can be added as buttons on the toolbar in Case Manager by setting up the web-call action in the Configuration Tools in the Web-Call Actions section (in the Integrations group).

List View

Configuration Tools - Web-Call Actions - List View

When opening the Web-Call Actions section in the Configuration Tools, you will find a list of all the currently available web-call actions. In this view a number of actions are possible:


Refresh the list of actions from the database
Add action
Add a new web-call action to Case Manager. See Action View for a description of the action fields.
Edit action
Edit the selected web-call action. This action can also be invoked by double-clicking on an action in the list.
Delete actions
Delete the selected actions. Multiple actions can be selected from the list by holding the Ctrl-key while clicking on the actions. This will remove the actions from the system completely.
Web-call actions can be imported from file, Case Manager Web-Call Action (.cwc) files. More details in Action portability.
Export the selected actions to a Case Manager Web-Call Action (.cwc) file. Multiple actions can be selected from the list by holding the CTRL-key while clicking on the actions. More details in Action portability.

Action View

When creating or editing a web-call action, you are presented with a form to set up the action, with the following fields:

The name of the action button in Case Manager. When using the internal browser, the name of the action will also be displayed on the browser tab.
A description of the purpose of the action is displayed to the user when hovering over the action button in Case Manager.
URL Template
The URL that will be called when the action button is clicked. Depending on the Associated Object this may contain merge tags, for example #ENT0006, that will be replaced by the appropriate information when the URL is called. The ellipse button on this field shows a dialog to help set up the Tag Merging, when available.
Specify the browser that will be used when this URL is called. More information on the available browsers in the Browser section of this document.
Associated Object
An action is associated with a Case Manager object type. The available options are discussed in the Associated Object section of this document.
All buttons in Case Manager are grouped into separate toolbars. This is done by specifying the name of the toolbar. All buttons with the same toolbar name will be grouped on the same toolbar. You may also add a button to an existing toolbar by specifying the name of the existing toolbar. The existing toolbars can be viewed in Case Manager by right clicking on the toolbar and selecting customize.
An image may be uploaded that will be used on the button. JPG and PNG formats are supported. When selecting the image, it will be resized to the appropriate dimensions: 24x24 for small, and 48x48 for large. When no image is selected, a default icon will be used. The image field has three buttons
  • View the current icon
  • Upload a new image as an icon
  • Make use of the default icon
  • External Reference
    The external reference is an identifier that is used for Action portability. When importing a web-call action from a file (.cwc), it will update an existing action with the same external reference rather than create a new action entry. Similarly when exporting the external reference will identify action in an existing file that may be overwritten.
    Is Active
    Only active web-call actions generate buttons in Case Manager. This field allows an administrator to disable an action without removing it from the system completely.

    Edit Web-Call Action

    Associated Object

    A web-call action is associated with a Case Manager object type, which determines the availability of the action in Case Manager, and the Tag Merging. Currently two options are available:


    The action is associated with a Case object. It will appear on the main view in Case Manager and will only be enabled if a case is open. When tag merging is used in the URL template, data from the current case will be used to generate the actual URL. For example see this web call action for VoyagerNetz Engage.

    Web-Call Action - Toolbar Button


    When an action is not associated with an object type in Case Manager, it will appear on the main view in Case Manager and will be enabled whether or not a case is currently open. Tag merging is not available for action not associated with an object type.


    An action defines the browser to use when calling the URL it specifies. The following browsers are supported:

    System Default Browser

    The URL will be called in the default browser on the user’s workstation. For example, it will open the URL in Google Chrome. If tag merging is used, tags will be replaced when the call is made.

    Case Manager Internal Browser

    Case Manager has an internal browser, built on Microsoft WebView2. This browser will show the user more information on action, and the object from where it was invoked. It also has no address bar: users will be limited to the URL that was called and the navigation possible only from that address.

    • The browser shows the associated object in the toolbar on the right-hand side.
    • A “Show in Case Manager” button will show the case associated with the current tab in Case Manager.
    • When a case is closed in Case Manager, the associated browser tabs will also be closed
    • When changing the active case in Case Manager to a different case, the active tab will also be changed to that of the case now viewed (should one be available).

    Case Manager Internal Browser

    Command Line

    The web-call action can also invoke a command-line call on the local workstation. Tags merged will not be encoded in URL format and may be passed on to the command called. In the URL Template field of command-line actions, a path and parameters should be specified instead on a web URL, for example:

    • msg %USERNAME% Hello! will call the Windows Command to display a popup message, “Hello!”, to the current user.
    • C:\myscripts\dostuff.bat #CAS0001 call the dostuff batch script on the local machine (where Case Manager is running) passing the case reference on as a parameter.

    Tag Merging

    Web-call actions associated with a Case Manager object (such as Case) support tag merging. Field values from the associated object can be passed to the URL as parameters. In the Action View, when tag merging is available, the ellipse button on the URL Template field will be enabled. This button shows a dialog with the URL and all available fields. By double clicking on the appropriate field, the tag will be inserted at the current cursor position in the URL. Based on the selected browser, these parameters will be URL encoded during the merge when the URL is called.

    URL Tag Merging

    Action Portability

    Web-call actions support import/export capabilities. In the Configuration Tools, in the List View, actions may be selected and exported to a Case Manager Web-Call Action (.cwc) file. All fields are written to file in a transportable format. A file may also contain multiple actions. When exporting actions to an existing file, the exported actions will be merged with actions already in the file based on the external reference. For example, when exporting an action with external reference “123” to a file that already contains an action with external reference “123”, the action in the file will be overwritten with the new export. If there is no action with external reference “123” in the file, it will add the new export to that file. The external reference is also used, as an identifier, when importing actions into Case Manager: actions imported with the same external reference as existing actions, will overwrite the existing actions. Also note that all actions are imported as inactive.