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Version: 6.0

Case Allocation View - Installation

Case Manager Extensions are installed in the Extension Manager section of the Configuration Tools. When browsing to the Extension Manager section, you will see a list of all the installed extensions, their versions, and their enabled status.

Extension Manager in Configuration Tools

To install a new extension, click the Add button on the toolbar. You can then select the extension DLL file to install. The file name of the Allocation View Extension is


Some distributions of Case Manager may already include the extension in the CaseManagerExtensions folder. Otherwise, the extension can also be downloaded from the website.

When selecting the extension you will be presented with information to confirm the extension to be installed.

Installing Case Manager Allocation View Extension

The installation process detects whether the extension includes database changes, and will prompt you to make these changes to the database. If the extension was previously installed and the selected extension version is newer than the installed version, you may also be prompted to upgrade the installation.

After completing the steps above, the extension will be listed with the other installed extensions in the Extension Manager. By default, the extension is enabled, making its functionality available in the Case Manager applications.

The Allocation View Extension does not include extension-specific settings: no further setup is required.