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Version: 6.0

CaseManager Folder

CaseManager Folder Diagram

Generally the CaseManager folder is copied into the root of the chosen drive on the server: for example, C:\CaseManager and contains all the files necessary to run and host Case Manager 6 on the local network. In this section we will drill down the subfolders of the CaseManager folder to give context to their purpose and use.

Subfolders of CaseManager


The CaseManagerDatabases folder contains the Firebird database file (containing the Case Manager data), called CaseManager.fdb. The Firebird Service hosts this file to make the data accessible. It is very important to note that this file should never be moved, renamed, or altered in any way while the Firebird Service is running, since it can cause data corruption. When setting up an instance in the Instance Directory, the file and directory path specified should be of this .fdb file.


In some environments, especially systems upgraded from older versions of Case Manager, the database name may be VoyagerNetz.fdb


The CaseManagerBackup folder is the default location to where database backups are made. Although configurable, automated and manual processes default to this location to store database backups. Backup files (.fbk) generally are quite large and, with regular backup processes, this folder tends to, over time, take up significant harddrive space. It’s good practice to delete old irrelevant backup files regularly. See Backups for more on this topic.


Applications used by agents/users can be found in the CaseManagerApps folder. We make use of a technology called, ClickOnce, to install and update applications. When running the installation on a workstation via a network path (that is, run the setup.exe via the folder shared on the network, or hosted as FTP), the application will always check, while opening, whether a new version is available at this network location. This allows you to, in the future when upgrading to a maintenance release, only copy the new files into this folder. The workstation applications will then update automatically. The following applications can be found in the CaseManagerApps folder:

  • CaseManager is the main application used by the agents/users.
  • CaseManagerBulkActionUtility allows privileged users to apply changes in bulk to cases.
  • CaseManagerConfigurationTool is used to set up and customize the Case Manager system.
  • CaseManagerContentManager allows a privileged user to create limited document templates and SMS templates.
  • CaseManagerImportUtility imports Excel files into Case Manager.
  • CaseManagerInstanceDirectoryUtility configures the Instance Directory service, serving the connection details used by the workstations, and enables maintenance tasks on databases (such as database backups and upgrades).
  • CaseManagerVerifyPrerequisites is the first application that should be installed on workstations ensuring all the required components are installed for Case Manager to run correctly.
  • CaseManagerWallDashboard is designed to display a sequence of dashboards in a timed loop typically as a dashboard in an office.
  • CaseManagerConnectionSettings can configure the connection to the Instance Directory for the current workstation, especially for when the discovery process of the Instance Directory is not an option.


The Server Applications are generally not accessed by workstations, but run or install centralized applications on the server only. The following applications can be found in the CaseManagerServerApps:

  • CaseManagerCalculateInterestUtility calculates and adds interest transactions to cases where financial interest is enabled.
  • CaseManagerDailyMaintenanceRunner runs the daily processes such as updating the electronic diary, executing due automatable instructions, and other daily processes that extensions may require. This application is typically scheduled using Windows’s Scheduled Tasks to run daily.
  • CaseManagerInstanceDirectoryService installs the Instance Directory Service serving connection details to workstations.
  • CaseManagerProcessRunner is used to make a backup of the database. For regular backups, this program is used as a scheduled tasks to make a database backup at the desired frequency.
  • CaseManagerQueueServer installs the Case Manager Queue Server as a Windows Service.
  • CaseManagerServer contains installation files of the Firebird Database Engine, as well as some supporting tools.
  • CaseManagerSmsMergeUtility prepares the due SMS instructions to be sent via the SMS Agent, including creating the SMS Short Message Activities on the cases and merging the templates with the case data. This feature is currently only available to our South African clients.
  • CaseManagerTimeServer installs the Case Manager Time Server as a Windows Service.
  • CaseManagerVerifyDatabaseUsers is used to set up the Firebird Database Engine after installation by creating the necessary database users used by the Case Manager applications. The administrator (SYSDBA) password (as chosen during the installation of the Firebird) is required.


CaseManagerInstanceDirectory is the default installation location for the Instance Directory Service. The installation found in the CaseManagerServerApps, installs the program to this directory and sets up the newly created windows service to run from this folder.


Any additional tools, scripts, and setup files can be saved in the CaseManagerTools folder. On distribution, this folder contains some template batch scripts that can help you set up Scheduled Tasks, and a few standard form customizations, among others.


The CaseManagerETL folder is an initially empty folder distributed with Case Manager that should be used for integration processes such as Apache Hop Pipelines and Workflows, along with monitored folders for input files to these processes.


The CaseManagerExtensions folder contains the extension applications. When an extension is installed the application component (DLL) file is loaded into the database. Some extensions, however, have stand-alone extension-specific applications. These applications are added to the CaseManagerExtensions folder. Often these applications are accessed by workstations, requiring this folder to be shared on the network.


When making use of the Attachments File Share extension, files attached to cases are stored on the server via a network location. The CaseManagerAttachment folder is the default location to use for the file attachments and should consequently be shared on the network with write access. This location can also be used for the Attachment FTP extension if your FTP provider can share this location with FTP access. Since these files are vital case-related data, it should be taken into consideration in your backup strategy.


Case Manager 6 stores the document and report templates in the database, so that you do not require file access to the server when printing a report or a document. The CaseManagerReports folder, however, contains a collection of templates that have not been migrated (that is, imported into the database from the Report Templates section in the Configuration Tools). This folder can be shared on the network if initial access is required to migrate the applicable templates, but when the migration is done on the server and subsequent creation of templates are done using Case Manager Template (.cmt) files, network access to this folder would technically not be required.


A few of the automated processes, including that of extensions and integration processes, write process logs to files. The CaseManagerLogs folder can be used to store these log files.


Often, during support and custom projects, a space is needed to temporarily store files. To standardize where these files are saved, the CaseManagerTemp folder is added to the CaseManager folder.


It is of the utmost importance to implement a comprehensive backup strategy of your server to ensure that in an event of hardware failure or data loss, you can recover with minimal loss to your operations. In terms of the Case Manager system, the following should be taken into account:

  • A database backup should be taken regularly. Many sites implement a daily backup process. The database backup process generates Firebird Backup (.fbk) files in the CaseManagerBackups folder. The database includes all the application data in the system including the installed extensions and the migrated (imported) report and document templates.
  • Attachment files, typically in the CaseManagerAttachments folder should be backed up to a safe location regularly as well.
  • Any custom processes, integrations, tools (including extension), and files that your operation requires should be included in your backup processes. It is highly recommended to move all your files in your backup process to an off-site location to ensure recovery from disastrous events.

Backup Cleaning

As stated, regular backups are vital. The downside of a regular backup strategy, however, is that these backup files can quickly consume a significant amount of free storage space. It soon becomes necessary to regularly delete older and irrelevant backup files. We’ve included a script in the CaseManagerTools folder that can be scheduled along with your backup process that will clean up old backup files. This script will delete old backup files as follows:

  • One backup will be kept per year for backup files older than 1 year.
  • One backup will be kept per month for backup files older than 1 month (within the last year)
  • All backups within the last month will be kept.

This process uses two files:

  • deletebackups.ps1 is a Powershell script that will delete the backups as described above.
  • For convenience, a Windows Batch file deletebackups.bat is added as well, that calls the Powershell script. Here, in this file, you should specify the location of the backup files. This batch file can then be scheduled along with the backup process.

In the batch file, you should set the values of the folderPath variable to the location of your backup files. Currently the value is set as follows:

set "folderPath=C:\CaseManager\CaseManagerBackups\"