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Version: 6.0

Case Manager Server


Case Manager Overview Diagram

Case Manager 6 runs Windows Forms-based applications on workstations that connect to a central server on the local network. The server requires a few components running for the applications to perform correctly. In this section we will look at the Case Manager file structure, the required installations, the running Windows Services, scheduled tasks you may want to set up, and the basic network setup.


Case Manager Prerequisites Diagram

Case Manager makes use of third-party software components that need to be installed on the server before running the server components and applications. These components are included in the CaseManager folder.

All applications run on Microsoft’s .NET Framework version 4.8. Most up-to-date versions of Windows already include this component, but should it be installed it can be found in the CaseManager folder at the location specified below.

It is recommended to also install the Case Manager Workstation Prerequisites on the server since most of the time Case Manager applications will also be opened on the server. Installing the workstation prerequisites will also confirm that the correct version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is installed. If you do not wish to install the workstation prerequisites, you can find the install file for the .NET Framework 4.8 here:


Case Manager makes use of Firebird 3.0 as database provider. The installation files for this component can be found in the Case Manager folder at:


This installation creates a Windows Service called FirebirdServer that will start up with Windows. This component is used to enable and govern access to the database, and may require a change in your network firewall.