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Version: 6.0

Configuration Tools Overview

This section provides an overview of the available settings in the Case Manager Configuration Tools. Each section gives a short description of the purpose and impact of its settings.


Software Licensee Information

The Software Licensee Information section specifies the basic information of your organization such as the name, business registration information, and contact details. If the financial functionality is applicable to your organization, the default interest and payment split values are also set in this section.

Case Manager Settings

The basic operational settings of Case Manager are set in the Case Manager Settings section. Among others, it exhibits settings on:

  • Data entry references
  • Change logs
  • Financial behavior of costs, payments, and interest
  • Reporting
  • User interaction

Daily Maintenance Settings

The base daily maintenance processes can be configured in this section, allowing you to add instructions to active cases without any instructions scheduled, advance instructions that are past their due dates, and automatically archive cases.

Extension Manager

Extensions can be added to Case Manager in the Extension Manager section. Loading the extension DLLs makes the extension available to users on the next login, and may include database installation/upgrade processes.

Extension Settings

Setting controls specific to the loaded extensions are accessed via the Extension Settings tool. This tool is opened as a separate application.

User Management


Read our guide to User Management in Case Manager 6.

Users and Teams

The Users and Teams section is available in the main Case Manager application as well. It allows you to manage the users of Case Manager including their access rights, authentication, the organizational structure, and the contact information to use in communication from the users to customers/debtors.

Security Roles

The Security Roles section is also available in the main Case Manager application. Security Roles simplifies user security right management by centralizing the management to a role associated with a user.


Custom List Items

Especially with finances, lists displayed in Case Manager can be customized. This section provides a list of the customizable lists, on which available entries may be edited.

Data Type Models

The Data Type Models section serves as the main point of data customization in Case Manager. Case Types can be defined and customized along with associated custom form designs, and field behavior.


Read our guide to data customization using Data Type Models.

Case Type Mapping

Case Types as set up in the Data Type Models section can be associated with plaintiffs to (by default) set the case type on new cases of that plaintiff.

Custom Field Security

Security rights used for field read/write access are customizable in Case Manager in the Data Type Models. The Custom Field Security section provides an easy tool to manage the associated users/roles and fields of these custom security rights.


Document Templates

Document templates are used to print letters sent to debtors/customers. These templates are either defined in Crystal Reports and imported into Case Manager (in this section), or created in the Content Manager. The complete list of available document templates can be configured in this section.

Short Message Templates

Short Message Templates are used to generate SMS/Text messages to be sent to debtors/customers. The complete list of available templates can be found in this section. To configure the contents of these templates, make use of the Content Manager.

Phone Call Templates

Phone Calls Templates give context to a phone call to be made to a debtor/customer. A description on the template can give guidance to the agent. The different templates are also used to effect different workflow behavior on the selected outcomes.


Tasks define actions to be performed by users that are not communication-based. A Task entry defines the action to be taken along with the possible outcomes (see Activity Behaviour).

Report Templates

Report templates are used to draw printable reports from Case Manager. All these templates are defined in Crystal Reports and imported into Case Manager in this section. The complete list of report templates and their availability in the application can be configured in this section.



Configure the available statuses for cases in this section.


Define workflow processes with sequential steps. These processes can be executed on cases based on events.

Activity Behaviour

Define the outcomes (qualification statuses) of activities in Case Manager. You may associate workflow steps with an outcome to, for example change the case status when a specific outcome is selected.

Event rules

Set up the workflow actions to take on cases when events occur, such as changing the workflow process on a status change.


Customize the display of the Electronic Diary by setting up the sections to display and associating activity templates to include in the section.

Server Settings

Time Server Settings

Configure the settings of the Time Server.

  • Set the connection URL to use. This can, optionally, be automatically generated by the Time Server on startup, based on the relevant instance information.
  • Set the tracking of inactivity of Case Manager users.

Queue Server Settings

Configure the settings of the Queue Server

  • Set the connection URL to use. This can, optionally, be automatically generated by the Queue Server on startup, based on the relevant instance information.

Telephony Settings

For telephony integrations, these settings can dictate the process to use when the phone button is used on the phone number fields.


Cases are associated with a number of different objects. The section allows you to manage the available objects of each type:

  • Plaintiffs - the available list of case plaintiffs/clients.
  • Employers - the list of employer objects that can be associated with debtors/customers. The Employer Confirmation Extension allows users to also create, and edit these objects.
  • Costs - the different types of costs that can be added to the accounts of debtors/customers.
  • Courts - a list of courts that a case can be associated with (currently South Africa only).
  • Districts - the judicial districts that cases can reside in (currently South Africa only).
  • Debt Types - a classification of the type of debt.
  • Debtor Types - a classification of the legal type of debtor/client.


Web-Call Actions

Define the available action buttons that open websites in the local browser in Case Manager.


Read our guide on Web-Call Actions