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Version: 6.0

Case Manager 6 Data Model

Case Manager manages large workloads in very diverse environments - sometimes even diverse workloads in a single environment. To cater to the distinct data requirements of each of these scenarios, Case Manager 6 enhanced the customization capabilities and control of the data model. With the introduction of Case Types you can now easily classify different kinds of cases and apply specific data customization for that model. This document explores the new features both in concept and in actual setup.

The data model

Case Manager 6 allows you to customize the structure of data use in the system. Some of the data types support customization and optional fields that enable you to reduce clutter in the data you interact with and bring focus to the intent of that type in your environment. This is especially true of cases, where we brought in a further classification of the Case, namely Case Type. The data model is used to define what fields are seen in the system, and the types of cases that are available. Further customization of fields are also possible, such as the security rights guarding the fields, and the name used for the field.


The data model is predominantly centered around a case object. A Case represents a single file to be worked by agents. For other types in the system, we refer to either Integrated or Associated types. An integrated type effectively forms part of another type: such as the debtor forming part of the case object. Fields of integrated types can be added to the case form displayed to agents, will show up on searched information, and are available for filters in the search and bulk processes. Associated types, on the other hand, are only referred to by another type. A type with an associated object has a reference to the associated object, instead of including the actual fields. For example, a Debtor/Customer is an integrated type to Case - fields from the Debtor object are directly available on the Case - whereas a Workgroup is an associated object. A workgroup may have many cases associated with it. The fields of the workgroup are not integrated into the case object. All customizable types, with the exception of Case, allow you to add and remove optional fields: specify whether the optional field should be included when an object of this type is used in the Case Manager. Case supports Case Types, a subclassification of cases, that specifies whether optional fields are included based on the type of case. Customizable types, will also allow you to design the form shown to agents, to personalize the experience for your needs.

Case structure

The following table shows the integrated and associated type of Case. The fields for all the types indicated to be Integrated are accessible from the relevant Case. The associated types are references on the case to another object.

DebtorIntegratedThe Debtor of the Customer of the case.
Case TotalsIntegratedAll the financial totals of the case.
Additional Case FieldsIntegratedA collection of numerous customizable fields that can be added (via case type) to cases
WorkgroupAssociatedThe user or team as owner of the case.
StatusAssociatedThe current workflow status of the case.
CourtAssociatedAn associated court of the case.
DistrictAssociatedThe legal district the case resides in.
PlaintiffAssociatedThe client for which the current case is worked.
OrganizationAssociatedA reference to your organization, where the case was added to.
Debt TypeAssociatedA classification of type of debt.
Case TypeAssociatedThe type of the current case. Types, as defined in the data model.

Case Type

Often in a case management environment there are numerous different types of cases worked by agents, each with its own set of fields. In Case Manager we can use Case Types to define these different types, by selecting which of the Case fields should be included when viewing a case of the specific type. Fields are defined and customized on the level of the Case, but are included (optional fields, that is) on the level of the Case Type. The form displayed to the agent is also customized for the Case Type. There is always at least one Case Type for the Case, the default case type. The agent is able to choose the appropriate case type when a new case is created in Case Manager. One may also set the default case type for a plaintiff/client so that a new case created for that plaintiff/client, will be of the case type as set up.


Fields are defined and customized on the level of the type. A Case defines all its fields, and customizes the security, display name, grouping, and selection options, whereas the Case Type can only specify whether that field should be included or not. Therefore, when a field customization is edited, it will affect all the Case Types making use of that field. Case Manager has fields available of the following data types:

Data TypeDescription
TextA simple text input field limited to 200 characters
Large TextA large, multi-line, text input field of unlimited length
NumericA numeric value with 2 decimal spaces
CheckA boolean (true/false) check box
DateA date input field without the time component
DateTimeA data input field with the time component
SelectionA dropdown input field with predefined set of options
MultiSelectA multi checklist input field with predefined set of options
Phone NumberA phone number input field, with call button (as per integration)

Certain fields only support some of the customization options. The customization supported by each field is indicated in the Data Type Model (in the Configuration Tools).

Customizable Properties

Display Name

You may edit the name of a field if the Display Name is indicated to be customizable. This change will affect the forms where the field is displayed, as well as all references to the field in Case Manager in search forms and filters. Fields without this customizable property will only make use of the name as defined by the system.


You may set which security right guards the information in fields (that support customization of Security), from being seen or changed. When a security right is added to a field’s Write Security, a user without this right (either assigned directly or via security role) will not be able to change the information in the field. When a security right is added to a field’s Read Security, information in the field will be redacted for a user without that right. You are able to create and edit security rights used for field security allowing you take either a simplified or a fine-grained approach to managing access to information.


For convenience, certain fields may be grouped into logical groupings to give context related to their purpose. If, for example, information on a vehicle is required for a specific case type, you may create a vehicle group of customizable fields, and add all the required fields for a vehicle. Then, when accessed from a tree structure, these fields will be shown to be part of the vehicle logical structure separate from other customizable fields added. It will also be easy to add the entire group to a different case type, opposed to adding all the relevant fields individually. Note that fields may be moved between groups as long as the field remains within the same type.

Selection options

Selection and MultiSelect field types allow the setup of selection options. Customizing the selection options presents the administrative user with a list of all these possible options which he may add to, remove from, or edit. When an option is selected in one of these fields, the value is stored as text (or list of texts). Note that when a selection option is edited after use on existing cases, the values on these cases will not be updated, only the available options on the next select.