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Version: 6.0

Field Security

Case Manager 6 features highly customizable field security. As mentioned in the Security section, security rights can be assigned to fields to guard read or write access to the field. Case Manager also allows you to create your own set of field security rights, enabling you to take either a simplified or fine-grained approach to field-level access control. In the Configuration Tools, a section named Custom Field Security shows all the field security rights and allows you to create, edit, and delete as needed. The view also shows the number of users with the right, and the number of fields making use of the right. Always confirm when changing the name of a security right, that the new name is still applicable with its use on the fields. When a security right is deleted you have the option to assign a new right to the fields where this right is used. Opting in, you can choose the right to be used; when you choose not to, the right will be removed from these fields allowing access to all users

Configuration Tools - Custom Field Security

Security rights can also be created, edited, and deleted on the fly, when rights are assigned to fields in the field edit wizard or the bulk edit security action in the Type Model. When the ellipse button is clicked on the Security Right controls to assign a right, you will also be able to make changes to the available field security rights.

View Users

The View Users toolbar button shows you all the users with the selected right assigned. The list is grouped by security role to distinguish between users with the right assigned directly, and those with the right obtained via a security role.

Custom Field Security - View Users

View Fields

The View Fields toolbar button shows a list of all the fields where the selected right is used, including the type containing the field, the internal name for the field, the current display name, and whether the right is used for read and/or write access to the field.

Custom Field Security - View Fields

Assigning rights to fields

Rights are assigned to fields as part of the editing of fields in the Type Model section, a process that can also be performed in bulk. During selection of the right to be assigned you are also able to create, edit, and delete security rights. When the ellipse button on the Security Right controls are clicked, the selection dialog has buttons to manage the custom field security rights.

Assigning rights to users

A user’s security rights are defined as part of a security role, or specified for the user itself. Once you’ve created a new custom field security right, it will appear in the list of available rights on a user’s security and on that of a role from where it may be checked for the applicable users/roles. This can be managed from the User Management section in the Configuration Tools.

User Security - Assign Custom Field Security Right