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Version: 6.0

Appendix: Standard Fields

Case Manager defines a set of standard fields and types with limited allowed customization. To understand the context of these an incomplete list of fields per type follows. In the last section we also outline the intended purpose of a few other types in Case Manager.


The following fields are standard in the Case. Note that the Debtor, Debtor Contact Details, Case Totals, and Additional Case Fields are integrated types: their fields will also affect the available fields in a case model. The Case also includes a set of optional fields related to the Interest calculation settings for the case. These are excluded by default, but can be included should the interest feature be used.

Field NameDescription and UseCustomizableOptional
Account ReferenceThe account reference in general is used for the external reference (that is, the reference to the account related to this case at the client). The field name is customizable should a more applicable name be needed.Display Name, SecurityNo
ArchivedA boolean (true/false) indicator that shows whether the case is archived. Archived cases are seen as not active and are consequently excluded from most features in the system. A case can be archived/unarchived by an action in Case Manager.No
Case ReferenceThe Case Reference is a unique internal reference to the case. This will be the main reference used in Case Manager.SecurityNo
Case TypeAn associated link to the type (classification) of the case. This is used to determine which data model is used to interact with the case.No
Cause DateThe Cause Date represents the date the case is started. For example, the date the account is opened, or as with debt, the date of default.SecurityNo
CourtAn associated link to a court associated with the case.SecurityYes
Debt TypeAn associated link to the classification of Debt.SecurityNo
DistrictAn associated link to the legal district in which the case residesSecurityYes
OrganizationA link to your organization as owner of the case.No
PlaintiffAn associated link to the client for which the case is worked.No
Startup DateThe date the case was created in Case ManagerNo
StatusAn associated link to the current workflow status of the case.No
WorkgroupAn associated link to the current owner (team or user) of the case.No


The Debtor (can also be seen as Customer) data type includes a number of fields to describe the entity, such as name-related fields. The Debtor Contact Details is an integrated type of Debtor, making its fields available along with the Debtor. In addition to these fields, consider the notes on the fields in the table below. Also note that a set of fields related to Banking Information of the debtor/customer is optional (by default not included), but available should the need arise.

Field NameDescription and UseCustomizableOptional
CitizenshipThe citizenship of the debtor/customer based on ISO 3166-1SecurityNo
Debtor ReferenceA reference used to uniquely identify a debtor/customer in Case Manager.Display Name, SecurityNo
Debtor TypeAn associated link to a classification of the debtor/customerSecurityNo
EmployerAn associated link to the Employer of the debtor/customer.No
Language PreferenceThe language preference of the debtor/customer. Supported options: (E)nglish & (A)lternativeSecurityNo

Debtor Contact Details

This object represents the contact information of a debtor/customer and includes fields for numerous phone numbers, an email address, a postal address, and a physical address. Different addresses can be specified in English and the Alternative language.

Field NameDescription and UseCustomizableOptional
Mobile No.The mobile number of the debtor/customer is used by default for text message communication.SecurityNo

Case Totals

When the finances are used in Case Manager, one may want to include some of the fields of Case Totals on forms for agents. Case Totals gives access to different balances and totals of the finances on the case.

Field NameDescription and UseCustomizableOptional
BalanceThe current outstanding balance of the case.No
CapitalThe original capital amount of the case, before additional transactions were effected.No
Costs *The total amount of costs added to the case. There are four fields, for the four categories of costs.No
CreditsThe totals sum of credit transactions on the case.No
DebitsThe total sum of debit transactions on the caseNo
InterestThe total amount of interest added to the case.No

Due Totals

Field NameDescription and UseCustomizableOptional
Capital DueThe amount of the capital that is still due.No
Capital Interest DueThe amount of interest on the case that is currently due.No
Costs Due *The amount of each of the four categories of costs that are currently due.No
Cost Interest Due *The amount of interest added to the four cost categories that are currently due.No

Additional Case Fields

The Additional Case Fields type does not include any standard fields: only a large set of fully customizable fields which may be added to case.

Other Types in Case Manager

A list of the other types follows, describing their customization capabilities and their use in the system.

TypeDescription and UseCustomization
CourtA court represents a legal court associated with the case. In its simplest form it comprises a name, a field to indicate whether the object is active in Case Manager, and the associated legal district. New courts may be created in the Configuration Tools.A number of optional text fields are available which may be added to a court.
Debt TypeA classification of type of Debt to be associated with a case. New debt types may be created in the Configuration Tools
Debtor TypeA classification of type of Debtor/Customer. New debtor types may be created in the Configuration Tools.
DistrictA legal district.
EmployerAn employer of the debtor/customer. The type contains by standard a name, basic contact information and an indicator of whether the object is active in Case Manager. New Employers may be created in the Configuration Tools. An Employer Confirmation Wizard extension is also available to aid agents in maintaining employer information.If a separate processing office is applicable to employers, optional fields of the Employer type can be added.
Legal InformationAdditional fields to aid in a legal process
OrganizationA description of your organization. Fields here are mainly used for default behavior of plaintiffs and cases.A number of fields, mostly related to financial behavior of the system, are optional.
PlaintiffA Plaintiff or Client for whom cases are worked.There are a number of optional fields available for plaintiffs/clients, some of which are open and without context by default.
StatusA status represents the current state - mostly used in workflow - of the case. A process is often associated with a status that will drive the case to completion.
UserA User represents a Case Manager user - that is, an entity identified by login in the system.
WorkgroupA workgroup is either a user, or a team of users. Case ownership can be assigned to a workgroup: either a single person or a group of users.