Type Model Customization
Let’s drill into the functionality of the Data Type Models in the Configuration Tools - specifically the Type Model tab of a chosen model. Here, we can customize what data fields are included in the model and apply customizations to these fields. The tab shows all the fields in the logical hierarchical structure of the model.
represents a type - the base type of the model at the very top with all its integrated types nested.
represents a grouping of fields. Most fields can change their group, although many standard fields cannot.
represents a data field added to the model. The data type and customization capabilities of fields are indicated as columns in this view. The Customizable Properties section elaborate on these icons (other than the question mark icon which represents an optional field: the ability of a field to be added or removed from the model). You may also hover over these capability icons for a description of what they represent.
The type model view only shows the fields included in the model, with the exception of Case since a case is always used in Case Manager in the context of a case type. When viewing the type model of Case, a drop-down appears on the menu bar with two options:
- Fields In Use show all the fields included in any of the case types.
- Existing Not In Use shows all the fields set up with customization or standard fields with specific use in Case Manager, that are currently not included in any of the case type models.
Editing fields
If the selected field supports customization, the edit button on the toolbar will be available. An intuitive wizard will guide you through editing the selected field. It starts off with a description of the model and field, giving you a chance to confirm that the correct field is edited. Depending on the customization capabilities of the field, you will be presented screens in the wizard to apply the desired changes. At the end of the wizard, before the changes are applied, you will be presented with a confirmation screen listing all the proposed changes. The subsections that follow here describe the possible screens of the wizard:
Affected Models
When a field is edited (or when existing fields are added to a model) the wizard will inform you of all the other models affected by the customization. If, for example, you have two case types that make use of a field, say Registration Number, and you from one of the the case types edit the field’s group, the wizard will indicate that the field is used in the other case types as well and that the group customization will also affect the other model. This view supports two display modes: view per model all the fields being edited that will affect it, or view per field all the models that will be affected.
If a field is edited directly from the Case model, there will be an option available on the Affected Models screen to edit to which subtypes (case types) this field must be added. When this option is selected the following screen will show the case types in a checked list.
Display Name and Group
When either the Display Name or the Group of the field is editable, the wizard will present the Field Name and Group screen. The Display Name section shows whether a custom name is specified and allows you to edit the name of the field. This name will be used on the forms displayed to the agent as well is any reference to the field in search results and filters. When the Override Display Name checkbox is unchecked, the field will revert to its default name.
The group is specified in a similar manner: the name of the group can be specified when the Override Group Name checkbox is checked. Nested groups can also be specified by making us of the pipe ( | ) character. Alternatively, you may make use of the ellipse icon on the Group Name control for a more intuitive tool to specify nested groups. In the example below, the field will be placed in a group External which is a subgroup of another group Identification which resides in the integrated type of this field (Additional Case Fields). The Grouping section of this document elaborates on changing groups of fields.
Case Manager supports a highly customizable field-level security approach. Fields support a read security right to guard which users may view the data in the field, and a write security right guarding who may edit the information in the field. In the Security screen of the wizard you will see the rights assigned to the read and write access of the field. You may click on the encircled X icon to remove the assigned right, or you may click on the ellipse icon to assign a right. The Field Security document explains how security rights are managed in Case Manager.
Write Security
When no right is assigned to the Write Security of a field, all users will be able to edit the value of the field for a case. When a right is assigned, only the users with the right (either directly assigned to the user, or to the security role of the user) will be able to edit the value of the field for a case. In order to edit a field, a user also requires read access - either by assigned right or without a read security right assigned to the field. When a field is not editable it will still appear on the form with the value as per case, but will be disabled (grayed out) and not editable.
Read Security
When no right is assigned to the Read Security of a field, all users will be able to view the information in the field. When a right is assigned, only users with the right specified (either directly assigned to the user, or assigned to the user’s security role) will be able to see the data in the field. If the user does not have read access to a field it will still appear in the form, but will indicate that the information is “Redacted”.
Adding fields
A wizard, similar to when editing fields, guides the user through adding fields to a model. First, you are presented with a description of the model to confirm the correct model is edited, before continuing to add fields. You may choose to either add a field already set up - and possibly also in use in another subtype (case type) model - or add a new field. A new field is a fully customizable field without previous setup or use in another model. The existing fields selection allows you to select multiple fields at once to add to the current model, but since further setup is required for a new field you may select only one field when a New Field is selected. Confirm that the field added is in the correct (integrated) type, and of the correct data type. The amount of available fields of that type is displayed in parenthesis.
When only one existing field, or a new field, is added to the model you will be presented with the option to edit the customization of that field as well. Depending on the customization capabilities of the field you will be presented with the same screens of the Edit wizard to edit the Display Name and Group, or Security of the field. Before the fields are added to the model, you will need to confirm all the proposed changes on the final screen of the wizard.
Removing fields
The Remove field toolbar button is available to remove optional fields from the current model. Since field inclusion is not specified on the Case level itself, it will not be available; it’s only visible on the Case Type and all other models without subtypes. The remove action is not for the currently selected field in the type model, but instead will bring up a form with all the removable fields from which the fields to be removed may be selected. Removed fields will retain the customizations applied, but will no longer be included in the current model.
Selection Options
Fields of types Selection and MultiSelect support customizable lists of options. Selection fields support selection of a single option from the list, and with MultiSelect fields more than one may be selected from a checkbox list. In the Type Model view a field indicates this customization capability with the same icon as the Selection Options button on the toolbar. The toolbar action presents you a list of the available options for this field, from where you may add, delete or edit the options. Note that this list is only used to present options to the agent. When editing an option in the list which was already used as a field value of some cases, these case values will not be updated: they will retain the selected value as originally selected.
Bulk Edit Fields action
The Type Model view supports changing field grouping and field security settings in bulk. The Bulk Edit Fields button on the toolbar starts a wizard to guide you through the process. The first screen in the wizard gives you the option to either edit the group or the security of fields - both cannot be changed at the same time.
Bulk Security Change
Taking the Bulk Edit Security route, you will be presented with a screen showing all the fields in the current model where security customization is allowed. You may select the fields to include in the bulk process and select the edit action to take:
- The Assign to fields checkbox will apply a change to the applicable security right of the fields. When this check box is unchecked, the current security right of the fields will not be altered.
When Assign to fields is checked but the Security Right is left blank (or
<Unassign the … Security Right>
) the bulk action will remove the current security right from the selected fields. Alternatively, you may specify a right to assign the security right to the read or write security right of the fields. This wizard will also present you with the effect this change will have on other models, and a confirmation screen where you can review the proposed changes.
Bulk Group Change
To change the grouping of fields in the bulk edit wizard a two-step process is followed. First, we will specify the group to which fields will be assigned. You will see a hierarchy of all the groups in the model, from where you may select an existing group, or create a new group. The Add Subgroup button will add a new child group to the selected group/type.
After selecting the group, the wizard will determine which fields in the model are assignable to this group. A list of these fields will be presented from which you may select the fields to change. The change group feature allows you to optionally preserve entire subgroups when moving a group. That is, if this option is checked and an entire group is selected in this view, that group will be moved as a subgroup to the destination group specified in the first step. If the option is not checked, all the fields irrespective of their current group will be moved to the destination group as direct children (that is, without further subgroups).
We group fields to organize data into logical structures. Especially with types with many customizable fields this process simplified interaction with the data structures. Most fields in Case Manager support a customizable group property that enables this behavior. In the Data Type Model section, we have three ways of changing the group of a field. The first two have been covered in this document:
- Editing fields making use of the Edit and Add wizards
- Bulk Editing Fields A third option to changing the group of a field is to simply drag the field in the Type Model view to the desired group. Of course for this, the group must already exist containing another field, but this makes it very quick to organize the data. Groups may also be dragged into other groups to form a subgroup of the destination group. It is, however, important to note that fields cannot be dragged to a group of another (integrated) type.