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Version: 6.0

Getting Started: Managing a Single Case

Case Manager excels at managing large volumes of cases, but understanding how to manage a single case is crucial:

Finding and working on a case

There are two main methods to open the case you want to work on. If a case has scheduled instructions, you can use the diary to select it by either clicking the Process Instruction button next to the diary entry or by clicking View List and choosing the case from there. The second method is for when you need to locate a specific case, such as during an inbound phone call. In this situation, you'll use the Quick Search field to find and open the case quickly.

Case Manager UI Quick Search

Case Data

Every case contains core data fields for the following:

  • Customer (also known as account holder or debtor)
  • Credit Provider (plaintiff)
  • User (workgroup in Case Manager)
  • Finances and Financial Transactions These fields are standard, but your administrator can define custom case types with additional fields tailored to specific needs. Each case type has a customised user interface and set of data fields as defined by your administrator.

Data Security Rights

Data fields are protected by security rights. If you see Redacted, it means you don’t have permission to view that field. If you can view but not edit a field, you likely have read-only rights. Contact your administrator if you need additional access.

Importing and Exporting Case Data

You can change case data manually or in bulk using the import or bulk action utilities. These tools can process data from Excel spreadsheets or CSV files. Advanced data integrations can also import data continuously.
Various tools, such as Case Manager Reporting, Advanced Search, and the Bulk Action Utility, allow you to export data for further analysis.

Advanced Search

Case Attachments


This functionality is only available if the Attachment File Share Extension is installed.

Use the paperclip action button to access the Case Attachments feature, where you can store and retrieve related documents.

Case Status and Scheduled Instructions

  • Case Status: Each case has a status indicating its current situation. Statuses can be changed manually (with appropriate security rights) or automatically through workflow rules.

Case Manager UI Case Status

Action Button - Change Status

  • Scheduled Instructions: Every case can have instructions scheduled for future actions, such as sending an SMS, printing a document, or making a phone call. These instructions are defined by your workflow administrator. When scheduled instructions become due they will be listed on the relevant section of your Electronic Diary. Action Button - Schedule Instructions

Case Activities

Logging all activities on a case is crucial for maintaining a record of progress. Activities help you or another agent stay informed about the case history and can provide valuable insights for administrators and managers. For these reasons it is important to log all interactions and steps taken on a case as activities. Examples of activities to log include:

Action Button - Print Document

Send SMS/Text Message

Action Button - SMS Text Messaging

Outbound / Inbound Phone Call

Action Button - Outbound Phone Call

Completed Tasks

Action Button - Completed Tasks

Case Finances

Case Manager comes with a sophisticated financial module built to keep track of the outstanding balance on the account related to a case. You can see and manage the financial transactions on a case in this section. Finances

Case Extension and Web Call Actions

Case Manager's functionality can be expanded through extensions and web call actions, which your administrator can integrate into the system. Extensions add features like payment arrangement management, and in some cases, custom extensions are developed to meet the specific needs of your environment. Web call actions allow you to embed web portals directly into Case Manager, making them accessible via action buttons in the toolbar. These enhancements enable you to tailor Case Manager to better support your unique workflows and operational requirements.