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Version: 6.0

Getting Started: Navigate User Interface

Once logged in, you'll be presented with the Case Manager user interface, which includes the following key sections:

The Menu Bar consists of several menus, each offering different functions:

Used to exit Case Manager. Note that you can also close the application directly without using this menu.
Provides quick access to various Case Manager tools.
Allows you to manage and register onto queues.
Lets you change the display settings, including switching to Dark Mode, which is easier on the eyes during long shifts.
Contains links to resources, such as guides and tutorials, and provides access to current license information.

Case Manager UI Menus

Dashboard Buttons

The dashboard buttons give you quick access to the User Dashboard and General Dashboard. Each dashboard presents relevant information to help you stay on top of your tasks.

Case Manager UI Dashboards

Report an Error

At any time, you can use the Report an Error button to provide feedback directly to the Case Manager development team. Your feedback is highly valued and will be considered in future updates.

Case Manager UI Feedback

Use the Quick Search field to find cases quickly. By default, it searches by First Name, Last Name, ID/SSN, and Reference Numbers. You can also expand your search to include phone numbers and in-text search using the dropdown menu.


Case Manager features two main toolbar types, each with related functionality:

  1. Time Toolbar: Tracks the total time spent on the current case by all agents. You can pause the timer for personal or administrative time. Case Manager UI Time Toolbar

  2. Action Button Toolbars: Allows you to perform various general or case related actions. Case Manager UI Action Button Toolbars

Electronic Diary

The Electronic Diary shows all instructions that are due, customized according to your workflow. Each section displays the number of due instructions. Click View List to see the full list or Process Instruction to work on the next instruction / case. Case Manager UI Diary


The Queues section lists all queues you’ve registered for. Each queue shows the number of cases within it. Queues are created by your administrator based on specific criteria, such as cases with "Broken Arrangement" status and outstanding balances over $10,000. Multiple agents may work from the same queue. Case Manager UI Agent Queue

Open Cases

Open Cases refer to cases you’ve recently worked on and may want to revisit soon. This feature helps you keep track of ongoing work. Note that "Open Cases" here simply means cases you’re actively working on / reviewing, not necessarily that the case itself is active. Case Manager UI Open Cases