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Version: 6.0

This guide aims to aid Case Manager consultants in upgrading sites from version 5.2 to version 6.0. The information is, of course, freely available, but may contain some technical aspects. Should you need assistance, please contact your support consultant.

Case Manager 6.0 Upgrade: Overview

Case Manager 6.0 brought in fundamental changes to some aspects of the application. With an upgrade there are a few areas that we suggest consultants give attention to. This guide does not cover the standard processes as running the upgrade process in the Instance Directory Utility, but covers technical areas that will be affected.


When upgrading from version 5.1 (or older), also have a look at the Version 5.2 Upgrade Guide

Installation & Depenencies


Case Manager 6 requires that workstations run Microsoft Windows 10 or higher. Some of the listed prerequisites cannot run on older versions of Windows. There were a few changes to the dependencies of Case Manager that is required to be installed on the workstations:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 is now required (and no longer 4.6)
  • Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is now installed
  • New components in the Import Utility no longer require Microsoft Office to be installed to open Excel files.

These prerequisites are no longer installed in the ClickOnce installation of Case Manager. A new separate ClickOnce application, called VerifyPrerequisites, only installs the prerequisite components. Note that you have the to this application’s setup.exe and not the ".application” file.

There has been very little changes on the server side in terms of prerequisites:

  • The server applications also require Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.8 to run.
  • If there are sites still using a Firebird version older than 3, please upgrade these sites to 3.0 as well. The latest version of the Firebird installation files are distributed in the VoyagerNetzServer folder.

Instance Directory

The Instance Directory service also now refers to CaseManager and no longer VoyagerNetz. A reinstallation of the service is necessary. When uninstalling the old VoyagerNetz Instance Directory Service, an XML will remain in the installation folder. If this was the standard installation path, the installation of the Case Manager Instance Directory Service will attempt to migrate the instance directory setup from that XML file to the new service. If it fails to migrate the setup, you can try to copy the contents of old VoyagerNetzInstanceDirectory.xml to the new CaseManagerInstanceDirectory.xml file manually, and restart the service. Should this cause a problem in the service, delete the CaseManagerInstanceDirectory.xml file, restart the service, and redo the setup of the Instance Directory.

Instance Directory Discovery options

The Instance Directory makes use of WS-Discovery to be detectable on a network (over UDP port 3702). There are some environments where this technology does not perform well, for example connections over a VPN. In the latest versions of the connection components to the service, we included two bypass routes for the discovery.

  1. If an Instance Directory service is available on a server named casemanager on the network, discovery will not be performed and the application will connect directly to that Instance Directory.
  2. We’ve included a Windows Registry file named DirectInstanceDirectoryUri.reg in the CaseManagerTools folder that can be edited to set the instance directory path to a specific server. Of course, when the option is taken, this setup (execution of the registry file) will need to be done on each workstation. Also then, when the Instance Directory network location is changed, a change will have to be applied to each workstation again. This approach, however, is available should it be necessary.


Case Manager 6 does not make use of the same license as version 5. The appropriate license should set or requested when the upgrade is done. This allows our administration team to keep track of the upgrades and ensure the necessary contracting is done.

Firebird Users

When a Firebird server installation is done, the database users need to be set up for our application to access the database. We’ve always required ownership and access to the SYSDBA user, but that should stay with the client. The Instance Directory Utility has an action button to verify and set the database users for Case Manager, but it may be troublesome to use this action before a database is available. If the action cannot be performed, a message will be shown directing you to a console application (CaseManagerVerifyDatabaseUsers) that should be executed on the same server and the Firebird service. Both the Instance Directory Utility’s Verify Database Users and the console application will ask the user to enter the SYSDBA user’s password to create the database users for Case Manager.

Support Information

Support information is accessible from the About Form in the Case Manager applications. The form shows contact information including a QR Code that will start a WhatsApp conversation with us routed to our VoyagerNetz Engage instance. The information on this form, including the QR Code, can be changed for a site to that of the support ship. If you would like to change the information shown on this form, let us know and we will guide you in setting that up.

Upgrade Guides

Please review the following guides in this section, explaining larger aspects of the upgrade to version 6.0:

Take note

There are a few smaller aspects of new functionality and the upgrade process that’s worth a mention:

Time & Queue Server settings
The Time and Queue servers mostly work the same as in version 5. The most important improvement is the addition of the Default Connection URI setting. When this option is selected (in the Time Server Settings, or the Queue Server Settings) you no longer need to specify the connection URL for the service. When the Time/Queue service starts up it will take the information from the instance it connects to and generates the connection URL automatically for the workstations to use. This functionality should not be used if the Time and Queue servers do not run on the same server as the database.
Toolbar Customizations
The toolbar customizations are reset during the upgrade. Due to changes we had to make to the customization, the saved customizations from version 5 were reset during the upgrade. If a site makes use of very specific toolbar customizations, these will need to be set up again after the upgrade.
TeamView Support
The TeamViewer support application is removed from the Case Manager deployment
Deprecated functionality
The Miscellaneous Fields and Workgroup Assignment (during Daily Maintenance) functionality are deprecated. It will still work, but may be removed in a future version of Case Manager. Please refrain from using this.
All references to the Afrikaans language now, instead, refer to an Alternative language.
We’ve relooked at the Feedback service (access via the button on the Title bar of the Case Manager applications). A much more effective mechanism of delivering these reports is implemented.
SMS Status Event
We’ve added a new event that fires when an SMS is moved to a Failure state. This event can be used to start a process when an SMS could not be delivered.