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Version: 6.0

Case Manager 6.0 Upgrade: Scheduled Applcations

As mentioned in the Login changes, there have been a few changes to the login process in Case Manager application. For console applications, the most prominent is that the login details (username and password) can now be specified as command line arguments.

Daily Maintenance

After the upgrade it is vital to review the scheduled tasks running the console applications. These batch files should be updated to specify the appropriate username and password. The usernames of the system users can be viewed in the User Management tool via the System Users action. Here, you will also be allowed to specify the password for the user. You can view more information on the use of the command-line arguments supported by making use of the -help argument. An example of the command to run the daily maintenance:

CaseManagerDailyMaintenance.exe -instance=InstanceName -username=.casemanager.dailymaintenance “-password=dmP@ssword”

Backup Cleanup

Regular backups of the database is very important, but can quickly eat up free storage space. In CaseManagerTools we’ve included a Powershell script to clean up the backups from the backup folder. It can be scheduled along with the backup process to run afterwards. It will:

  • For backups older than a year, only keep the first backup of that year
  • For backup younger than a year but older than a month, only keep the first backup of the month.
  • All other backup (younger than a month) will be kept.

This is quite a new script, feedback on this will be appreciated.