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Version: 6.0

Functionality Overview

The Agent Target Manager provides tools for collection agencies to manage the collection targets of agents. Target periods are set up, and users may be added with a target collection value for that period. Intuitive dashboards provide insights to users and supervisors on how these users attain their targets. The total collected value is calculated in a period as the sum of the payments received when the user was the active workgroup on the relevant case. In other words, when a payment was received on a case assigned to User A, and subsequently the case's workgroup is changed to User B, the payment will still be tallied for the collection total of User A.

Agent Target Manager Settings

Period and targets are managed in the extension's setting control accessible from the ExtensionSettings in the Configuration Tools. The tool shows a line indicator of the existing periods, and a table of the agents' target values for the selected period.

Agent Target Manager - Extension Settings


A period defines the date range for which agent collection targets are evaluated. In the Agent Target Manger we define the periods by specifying the period end date. The start date is automatically set as the day after the end date of the previous period chronologically. In the periods view in the settings these period end dates are indicated by the dots on the date line. By clicking on the dot you can view the target values for the period ending on the selected date. Note that not all the periods are initially loaded, you can increase the number of periods shown by making use of the Refresh button. The very first period indicator (indicated in a darker blue) is used to calculate the start date of the first period; no target values are configurable when this indicator is selected.

Periods Date Line View

At the top-right of the periods view the following buttons are available:

Add Period

You can add a new period indicator by clicking the Add button on the periods view. The form allows you to select the end date of the period you wish to create. A description of the effect of the action is given to ensure the system behavior is as expected.

  • A date after the last period will create a new period with start date the day after the last period.
  • A date within an existing period will split the existing period into two period at the date selected.
  • A date before the first period indicator will move the first indicator to the selected date, creating a period from the day after the selected date to previous first-indicator date.

When creating a new period you also have the option of copying the agent target values from the immediate previous period.

Add Period


At the end of the current period, an automatic process will create the following period if there is not one already manually defined.

Edit Period

The edit button on the period view behaves as a toggle button to indicate the edit state. To edit a period, first click the edit button and then the period you wish to edit. This opens a form similar to the Add Period button. Here, you may change the end date of the selected period. You are restricted to move the date past an existing period marker. That is, will not be able to move the selected period marker to before a previous marker or after a following marker. The description field explains the effect of the proposed date to understand the behavior before making the change.

Deleting a period

The Edit Periods Form also allows you to delete the selected period by clicking the Delete button at the bottom.

  • Deleting the last marker will delete the last period along with all the agent target values set up for that period. Note that if there is no current period, the automated process may create a new period during the daily run.
  • When a marker between two other markers is deleted, the adjacent periods will be merged using the agent target values of the later period.
  • The very first period marker cannot be deleted.

Refresh Periods

When opening the Agent Target Manager, only the latest few periods are shown on the date line. When you wish to refresh the list (by making use of the Refresh button) you have the option to:

  • Refresh the list with the same amount of periods currently displayed
  • Refresh the list and load more periods
  • Refresh the list by loading all periods

Agent Targets

The Agent Target section shows the agents' collection target for the selected period. The control lists the users tracked in the selected period, along with (if available) the periods following and before the selected period. Only the values for the selected period is editable, but may select and copy values form the adjacent periods. A search bar is available on the grid to easily find a user.

Agent Targets

Save Target Values

All changes to the agents' collection targets in a period are only committed on a save action. This allows you to revert to the last saved set of values should you wish to discard all changes since the last save. The Save button commits all changes since the last save. When focus is moved to a different period and the currently selected period has unsaved changes you will also be asked if you would like to save the changes.

Refresh Target Value

The refresh button discards all the unsaved changes and reloads the agents' collection targets for the selected period from the database.

Add User

You may add users to track their collection totals in the current period. When clicking on Add Users you may select multiple users from the organization's workgroup hierarchy. Once added to the grid, you will be able to set their target collection values for the period.


Users from selected period as well as the (possible) two adjacent periods are shown in the list. It may be that a user is tracked in, say, a previous period but not in the selected period. The grid will still shown the user with a value in the column of the previous period but no value in the column of the selected period.

Remove User

You can remove the user from the selected period by clicking the Remove User button. This will remove the target value for that user from the selected period. If this user also has no target value set up in the following or previous periods, the user entry will be removed from the list completely.


Since the changes made are only committed on a save action, you are allowed to undo (and redo) changes made to the agents' target values in the selected period. This includes changes to the actual targets, and adding and removing users from the period. When the changes are saved or the data is refreshed, the available undo actions are cleared.


The grid of target values allow you to copy paste values.

  • If only values is copied and pasted over multiple cells, the single value will be set in all of the selected cells.
  • If multiple values are selected and copied as pasted at a position, the cells will be set at the pasted position in the same order as copied cells.


Agent Target Manager Settings

The setings for the Agent Target Manager can be accessed by the gear icon on the toolbar. The following settings are available: Payment Date Field : The Payment Date Field setting allows you to set the date field of the payment transactions to use when calculating the collection totals. There are two options available: Capture Date or Actual Date. Depending on your financial processes you may select either date to determine in which period a payment received falls.

Default Period-end Day of Month
When a new period is automatically created at the end of the current period, the end date for the new period is calculated based on this setting. If, for example, the value is set to 1st day of the month the automatic process will calculate the next period ending on the first of the month (that is, after the current date). Should the setting be set to a value on or after the 29th of the month and the next month in the calculation has fewer days than specified in the setting, the last day of the month will be taken.

Automatic process to create the next period

A daily process verifies whether there is a current period active in the Agent Target Manager. If you are past the last period's end date this process will automatically create a new based on the Default Period-end Day of Month setting. Note that the automatic process will not create a new period with end date within 10 days of the last period end date. Say, for example, a period was manually created to end on the 24th of July, and the settings specify the default end date to be the 1st of the month. On the 25th of July the automatic process will create a new period to end on the 1st of September and not on the 1st of August. Of course, if the next period is created and the determined automatic date is not as desired, you can change the date.